Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rules of Nap Time

So there are three times of the day i found out: Night Time, Day Time, and Nap Time. Nap time is new to me. Ashley has informed me that nap time is between 3-5p everyday of the week. She also informed me of the rules of nap time.

1. No phones allowed.
2. No touching the wall.
3. No music.
4. No laptops.
5. No talking above a whisper (this one is stupid)
6. No random noises.
7. What Ashley saids, it becomes a rule.

I don't follow the rules very well.

In other news, we needed another song for the wedding so I wrote it last night. So look out for another song soon.

Also Ashley may have found a job.

Ashley thinks I have mono and I think she is crazy.

ok well time for school

1 comment:

Jay said...

No touching the wall? Embrace nap time Tyler, it is great. You've been writing all this music for the wedding?