My name is Tyler Kyle Browder. I am 5'10ish. I have brown hair and a brown/yellow/red beard. I weight 252.5 pounds as of tonight. Starting tonight I will be conducting an experiment on my body. I have taken measurements and pictures of my body as it currently looks. I have not photoshopped any of the pictures or changed any of the measurements. I will be starting a new workout routine this week and every time I workout I will be posting a blog about what I did that day in the gym. My goal is to look good naked. I will be taking weekly measurements and and weighing in every Sunday evening. I might take pictures but I might not. I want to be healthy. So first I will show what I am now and then tell you what I want to be in the future and how I plan on doing this.
Weight: 252.5 (with boxers on)
Biceps: 14.5 inches
Thighs: 29 inches
Waist: 45 inches
Belly: 45.5 inches
Chest: 47 inches
That is where I'm at. This is where I want to go.
Weight: 215
I want to wear a size 32 jeans comfortably. I want only my chest to touch my shirt not my chest and belly. I want to look good naked. I want to do this by Christmas. I dont want to take any supplements other then protein shakes and what not.
That's the beginning and the end and here is the vehicle.
MY WORKOUT ( Thank you Jason Bragg)
Sunday: Off
Monday: Off
Tuesday - Chest & Triceps
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Back & Biceps
Friday - Legs & Abs
Saturday - Shoulders & Traps
I will do this workout this way due to my work schedule at the studio. I will also be doing cardio as well. In 4 weeks I plan on changing my workout to keep my body guessing but I have not chosen how I will change it. I will also be changing my diet as best I can. More on this later.
Lastly i will along with my workouts be taking notes on how i feel not just phyiscally but also emotionally.
I feel tired and slow. I feel full and uncomfortable most of the time. I feel weak and completely out of shape.
So there it is. I am doing this online so I will have accountability to stick to my workout and reach my goals. I hope my readers will help me and get on to me if I cheat. Ok. I'm done.